Overcome confusion in career direction to get to the pathway that is right for you

Quel the voices of self-doubt that restrain your career movement and growth

Understand how to unleash your unique power to move to the next level, pivot, and create an impact

Through 1 on 1 or group career coaching sessions designed for aspiring and experienced career professionals, you will work to:

When I coach you, I facilitate your movement in unlocking and actualizing your potential and lead you to solutions you had not envisioned before.

Career Coaching

Uncover the hidden icebergs that get in your way of leading more inclusively

Identify and understand the behaviors needed to create work environments where people want to be and thrive

Prioritize inclusion as a competitive advantage for your team/organization

Transform people's experiences and organizational outcomes through practices and mindsets that promote the attraction, growth, and retention of a diverse workforce.

Through 1 on 1 coaching sessions with emerging and current leaders, you will work to:

As leadership coach, I provide a safe and unbiased space to help you to focus on your desire to build awareness, consciousness, clarity, and actions on key behaviors and practices needed to actualize your vision of leading more inclusively.

Leadership Coaching

The heart of any successful organization lies in its people. That is why we work with our clients to foster understanding of how the intersection of human psychology and organizational culture can be harnessed to power human experiences and deliver organizational value. This is the lens, knowledge, and expertise we bring to every learning workshop, speaking and consulting engagement. 

We empower organizations to become champions of their people.

Speaking & Workshops

Sendze, M. (2021). KC STEM Alliance | Closing the Gender Gap in STEM. KC STEM Alliance. https://www.kcstem.org/about/what-we-do/girls-in-stem/closing-the-gender-gap-in-stem/

Sendze, M. S. (2022). I Can’t Quit: Experiences of Black Women in STEM Professions. Journal of Career Assessment, 10690727221118696

How organizations can be poised to encourage meaningful actions that can empower the human experience and promote attraction, inclusion, and retention in STEM workforce (Secure World Conference - Expert Panel Participant - Spring 2022) 

Exert agency over your career choices and your environment to thrive (Private Clients - 2023-2024)

Understand practical strategies for closing the gender gap in STEM; A five-part series (K-12, Post Secondary, and the workplace) (KCSTEM ALLIANCE - Moderator - Summer 2020)

Understand the factors that contribute to the retention of Black Women in STEM and what organizations and leaders can do to attract and retain a robust and diverse workforce (Central Exchange, WITI, Federal Reserve Bank of KC, Women Tech Global Conference Keynote - 2020-2023)

Know who you are and how to actualize your vision (Mines Women Community Alliance - Keynote - Summer, 2022)

Here is a sample of topics we have covered:

Recognize and understand when you are stuck or derailed.
Learn how to apply strategies to help you reset and keep moving along your journey. (Private Clients - 2023 - 2024)

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The People Champion ©2024  |  Template Design By Jess Gingrich 

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My free coaching primer to help you get started in your career journey toward impact

4 Steps To Make Your Value Visible